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Advanced European bioethics course “Suffering, Death and Palliative Care”

Advanced European bioethics course “Suffering, Death and Palliative Care”, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 24-27 March, 2020, organized by the by the section of Healthcare Ethics, IQ healthcare, (Radboudumc university medical centre). Website: Advanced European Bioethics Course ‘Suffering, Death and Palliative Care’ 2020. Information: brochure & website .

Direct registration: registration


Objective of this course is to educate the participants on two main aspects: ethical questions of palliative care and medically assisted death, and philosophical, theological and medical reflections on the concepts of death and suffering. Attitudes towards death and dying, and the ethical aspects of continuing or foregoing medical treatment, and of medically assisted death receive considerable attention in this course. In addition, the dimensions of spirituality, rituals and intercultural diversity are covered.

The key-note lecture will be held by Els van Wijngaarden PhD, associate professor and researcher, Dept. of Care Ethics, University for Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, the Netherlands.


This course is of interest to participants from diverse professional backgrounds, such as nursing, medicine, health care administration, ethics, philosophy, theology and pastoral care, and PhD students undertaking courses of study in these areas. Course language is English. Costs: € 690,- for early bird registration (before 1 January 2020), € 790,- from this date onwards.

Contact: Valesca Hulsman: Valesca.Hulsman@radboudumc.nl. Tel: +31 (0) 24 – 3613359/ +31 (0) 24 – 3615305. For updates and the latest news follow us on twitter: @palcarecourse.

2019-11-13T14:48:10+01:0013 november, 2019|

KPV-Expertisecentrum: Aan de grens – teksten lezen van Dag Hammerskjöld

Hoe vaak verkeren we in ons werk met patiënten en cliënten niet ‘aan de grens’? De grens van verzet naar overgave, van leven en sterven, van onmacht of verwondering. En hoe vaak staan we in dat alles niet ook zelf aan de grens? Rond dit thema lezen we teksten van Dag Hammarskjöld. We laten ons door zijn ervaringen gidsen, zowel voor ons leven als voor ons werk; dit laatste aan de hand van casus die ieder inbrengt. Na afloop is je spiritualiteit als geestelijk verzorger verdiept.

Begeleiding: drs. Ans Bertens. 9, 16, 30 september en 7 oktober 2022.


2022-01-05T15:39:18+01:005 januari, 2022|
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