CVPPP Expert meeting: Forgiveness, Humility, and Virtues: Good for Us, Good for Others
9 maart 2020 @ 19:30 - 21:30
CVPPP presenteert een expert meeting met Prof. Dr. Everett L. Worthington, Jr:
“Forgiveness, Humility, and Virtues: Good for Us, Good for Others”
Maandagavond 9 maart 2020
Inclusief meerjarenbeleidsplan 2020-2023 en plannen om de netwerkfunctie van de CVPPP te gaan bevorderen. De agenda wordt toegezonden aan alle CVPPP-leden.
Vanaf 19.30 is te gast: Prof. Dr. Everett L. Worthington, Jr. voor een lezing en discussie tijdens de expert meeting
FORGIVENESS, HUMILITY, AND VIRTUES: Good for Us, Good for Others Virtues are good for us–in terms of physical health, psychology, relationships, and spirituality. This is documented by psychological science. But virtues are not best thought of in terms of individual achievements of goodness and the good effects of goodness. Rather, they are best developed, practiced, and honed in communities. Christian church communities are ideal because they provide close relationships (that do indeed contain power dynamics and times when people hurt each other) but also because religious practice keeps encouraging us to develop and live out characters formed toward the shape of the character of Jesus. I look briefly at the virtues of forgiveness and humility as illustrations. I end by discussing REACH Forgiveness and PROVE Humility – two DIY workbook interventions useful in congregations and in professional practices.
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